Giant Silkworm Moth!

This evening, Tim noticed a very large moth on the sidewalk in front of our house, which must have gotten knocked down during a brief thunderstorm this afternoon. He picked up the piece of twine it was holding on to and put it on a safe spot in our front porch. A little bit of internet sleuthing indicated that it is a Giant Silkworm Moth! Apparently it is the largest moth in North America. This one had a wingspan of six inches!

Giant Silkworm Moth clinging to twineGiant Silkworm MothGiant Silkworm MothGiant Silkworm Moth with 6 inch wingspanThe wings are fairly damaged, possibly from the rain and wind. We’ll have to see if it is still there in the morning.

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3 Responses to Giant Silkworm Moth!

  1. jan bruns says:

    Wow! Great pictures!! What a giant moth, and so pretty!! Was it on your step in the morning?

  2. Tim says:

    Later that evening I was sitting outside and noticed it slowly flapping across the neighbor’s yard. I haven’t seen it since. Pretty cool!
    Those pictures were with my phone camera, since my regular one has stopped working after getting it wet in CR. On the plus side, I ordered a new camera using points from my credit card. It arrived on Friday and is pretty cool! 🙂 New shots with it likely coming at the two Cubs games we are going to this weekend…

  3. Bryon says:

    I currently have a giant silkworm moth on my front window i have pictures of it if you would like to see